GHSF > Minutes > 04/22/2003 Organizing Committee Meeting Minutes
Peter Byers
Susan Dersé
Mary Lou Flynn
Lorna Follis
Judith Gille
Lynn Griener
Lyn Keenan
Ben Slivka
Joan Stewart
Katharine Triandafilou
Janet Woodward
Next Meeting

Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Garfield High School Library
Agenda: AFE, By-Laws, Fall Event

Alliance For Education
Ben will pursue committee's questions and bring revision (Draft #6) to next meeting. Proposed revisions include: once per year limit on contacting GSHF donors, go with "opt-out" only if no telephone contacts, and provision that if the Foundation should be terminated, any remaining funds would be distributed per the Foundation By-laws.

Vote on whether or not to go with the AFE will be made at the next meeting.

GHSF 501(c)(3)
The Steering Committee will not pursue this – can be re-evaluated by the upcoming Board.

Peter will send most recent revision out to everyone via email. Please read and send suggestions to Peter before next meeting.

The Final Versions
Vision Statement:
Mission Statement:

Fall 2003 Event
Budget for Benaroya was presented. More venues to be considered. Susan will talk to Marcus Tsutakawa to see if there is anyone on Benaroya Board who is connected to GHS who could help with costly food fee. Judith, Lynne and Mary Lou to took into other possible venues. Discussion regarding cost of the event, whether or not ticket price must cover full cost, what appropriate ticket cost would be.

Will try to decide on date and place at our next meeting.

Katherine will get some sample text and documents from Lorna to see if something for GHSF can be worked up. Joan has talked to GHS alum(?) Ian Webster and he will help with graphics and professional layout.

P.O. Box
To receive checks. Janet will secure.

Data Base
Underway. Could offer individual class reunions use of list in trade for giving us their list. Discussion regarding potential for tying into this summer's reunions -- maybe a write-up that would be available at the check-in? Brief announcement?

Donor Strategy and Development Committee
Suggested folks to contact for a mid-May meeting and those who will make the contact:
Harry Hoffman – Lyn
Vera Eng – Lorna
Vera's friend, ??? Watanabe - Lorna
Kim Krummeck – Lynn Greiniere
Rafael Stone – friend of Kim Krummeck
Pat Dunstan (GHS '60) – Janet? or Lorna?
Eric Bremner - Ben
Some parents from '80s - Joan

Alumni Identification
Janet and Joan have had some success with calling. Effort continues. Could use additional help.

-- Lyn Keenan

Last updated Tuesday, April 22nd, 2003.
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